Timberwood Tree Service

Veteran-Owned & Operated

Stump Removal and Grinding Services by Timberwood Tree Service

Stumps ruin the good look of your outdoor space. Also, they can be dangerous for people walking around. Avoid future liabilities and give your yard a curb appeal by getting the stump removal and grinding services of Timberwood Tree Service. Our team has the experience and equipment to safely remove your stumps in a short time and at an affordable price.

Important Reasons Why You Should Remove Stumps

Stumps Can Be Hazardous: Children, neighbors, or visitors can stumble with a stump, causing you problems that could end in a lawsuit. Avoid a future liability problem by removing your stump today.

Stumps are Unsightly: Stumps reduces the possibility of performing proper mowing in your yard. Also, it causes unsightly regrowth. Let us get rid of your stump and give your front lawn a new look.

Stumps are the focus of Insects and Diseases: Stumps attract ants, boring wood beetles, termites, fungus, and other pests. This can cause damage to the areas close to the stump. Wait no more and invest in a proper and professional stump removal today to take care of your loved ones and ward off future unnecessary diseases and plagues.

Get a Professional Stump Removal Today!

(415) 931-1150
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